Connecting along the Journey of Breast Cancer

Sunday, November 19, 2006

After the First Treatment...some of what I have felt!

I have been so fortunate this first round. I have had some fatigue off and on. The first week is the toughest. I had a blood count test my second week and all was ok. I have had some bone aches in my back, hips and legs. I thought it was because I was sleeping so much. Nope...Dr. White says it is the chemo acting in the bone marrow. Fascinating though glad to understand that reaction. I have also had two nights of insomnia...that is not me. I believe that is also a side effect of one of my chemo drugs. I am trying to be aware of those around me who might be sick because I may be vulnerable to their germs with my immune system.

With winter arriving...I am trying to be careful as I do not want to complicate things with an illness. Pray that I can avoid any respiratory infections as that is my weakness.

My hair has been thinning and I have just taken the plunge to move into the next stage of baldness. I will write in the next 24 hours about my hair loss. It is very entertaining! See you all during the next posting.