Friday, November 25, 2006
My second chemo treatment was given the day after Thanksgiving. As Dr. White had suggested, it would be nice to have a Thanksgiving meal before I had my treatment. She was correct and Dad and I were well fed and enjoyed the company of our neighbors, Greg Purser and Everett Duncan, who are also members of Trinity Church in Chocowinity. With several other joining in the evening meal, it was nice to be a table with others for this meal.
On Friday, I went in for my treatment with a hat on that my dear college friend, Butterball, had sent to me from Columbia, S.C. The hat was of a TURKEY! What a hoot! I did enjoy enjoy wearing it to the nursing home and then to the treatment clinic to at least have a funny experience as I began the next round of treatments.
Once again, Dr. White, was a delight! We were pleased to see that my blood counts were good and the second treatment began! The treatment nurse, Cindy, was so kind as I quizzed her with each step she took with the medicines I was given. It really is amazing how much anti-naseau meds are a part of the plan to help with the effect of the two drugs I am given. I must say they are working but have not prevented me from having feelings of great quizziness. I have had those quizzy experiences each time though it still is tolerable.
After this second treatment, I did feel ok but not as well. Days after the treatment I did begin to feel worse but prompting me to take more anti-naseau drugs which put me to sleep. After the first week of the second treatment I begin to feel a more normal. Once again, I am amazed at what these drugs are hopefully doing within my entire body.
The day of my second treatment I went to see my dear friend, Vicki Peterson, in Greenville after my treatment. Vicki and her husband and Mother are in a picture under my posting of my reflections on family and friend back in October. A brain tumor was found and she has undergone surgery since my second treatment. She is dealing with an aggressive tumor and will be undergoing chemo and radiation treatments as well.
Please keep my dear friend Vicki and her family in your prayers. Vicki is such a wonderful person with whom my friendship is deep from many years of youth ministry and camp which we have shared. I truly know that prayer has brought me far and for Vicki and all of her family I pray for their strength and courage in the time ahead.
Sorry...I am having a hard time with spacing and inserting pictures. I will post this piece anyway but harder to read. My apologies.