Connecting along the Journey of Breast Cancer

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Connecting along the Journey of Breast Cancer

Dear Friends,

This is the beginning of my blog to communicate with my dear friends and family. I began the journey of breast cancer on August 7th when I heard my breast surgeon say to me...."You have Breast Cancer". As possibly you have heard others say, this was a moment when my life changed in ways I am still contemplating.

Since that date, I had a modified radical right breast mastectomy on August 29th, received my pathology report on September 7th that my 3 of the 5 lymph nodes removed had cancer cells and have had another surgery to remove more lymph nodes (an axillary node dissection) and insertion of a port for chemo on October 4th. On October 12th, I received the second pathology report in which the additional lymph nodes were negative!!!! My first positive note of hoping that things have not spread further in my body. My next important date is Oct. 16th...the day I start my chemotheraphy for 6 months to be followed by radiation for 6 weeks. I have a few dates on my calendar now for 2006-2007.

This is to be a journey in my life. This is one which touches many people both women, men, friends and family members. As I continue along this journey, I will attempt to share things which I hope will keep you posted on my experiences. My life has changed but truly I am beginning to understand the words said to me by a breast cancer survivor..."your life will be changed and many blessings will come out of this experience".

The past two months have flown by and the love and support I have received has so deeply touched me and blessed my life in powerful ways! I know many of you have prayed for me, have added me to prayer lists in your parishes and in your communities, and have sent thoughts of encouragement and love which have taken me so far.

Thank you for all your love, support and prayers. I will survive breast cancer with the power of prayer and the guidance and comfort of our Lord along the journey. I will pray for each of you daily and ask that you pray for my healing and recovery from breast cancer! I will fight hard to be a person who wins the battle of cancer! Please know how much I love each of you and hold in my heart with deep gratitude!

With love,
